Whether on the tractor, in the barn, or at the farm office, farm managers are always mulling over some change to their operation that might improve profitability. It might be employing a new technology, launching a new enterprise, buying or leasing machinery, altering a production practice, or some other possible change. Occasionally, one of those ideas […]
As people who live in rural areas, we are all use to the potholes that jar our vehicles and rattle our teeth. Likewise, the financial statements that measure the position and performance of our dairy businesses have potholes too that are sometimes difficult to navigate.
Host Katie Wantoch and Ryan Sterry, Professor and Agriculture Agent with Extension in St. Croix County, discuss the pro’s and con’s of harvesting, storing, and feeding high-moisture corn to dairy cattle.
The Balance Sheet is a financial statement that measures the financial position of the business at a point in time.
The income statement is one of the four primary farm business financial statements. Its purpose is to measure profits and financial performance of the farm business.
Historically, Wisconsin dairy farmers have sought and received credit from traditional lenders with local branches such as Farm Credit Associations, Agricultural Credit Associations, commercial banks, or credit unions. Increasingly, however, farmers are turning to alternative sources for their borrowing needs.
Host Katie Wantoch and Ryan Sterry, Professor and Agriculture Agent with Extension in St. Croix County, discuss items to consider when renting additional farmland along with completing an enterprise budget.
Host Katie Wantoch and Jim Versweyveld, Agriculture Extension educator in Walworth County, discuss viability of a dairy farm and future retirement options for a farm couple.
Host Katie Wantoch and Ben Jenkins, Agriculture Extension educator in Green Lake County, discuss a farmer and his son who are considering buying a new chopper and how to cash flow this purchase.
Host Katie Wantoch and Simon Jette-Nantel, former Assistant Professor at UW-River Falls and Extension Farm Management Specialist, discuss whether a land purchase is a profitable acquisition compared to other retirement investments for a farm couple.
Host Katie Wantoch and Kaitlyn Davis, Extension Agriculture Educator in LaCrosse County, discuss if a farmer and his son should prioritize paying down debt this year instead of replacing some equipment.
Host Katie Wantoch and Richard Halopka, Extension crops and soils educator in Clark County, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a farmer purchasing locally grown hay or hay from western states.
Host Katie Wantoch and Richard Halopka, Extension crops and soils educator in Clark County, discuss buying forages and calculating feed inventory for future needs.
Host Katie Wantoch and Lyssa Seefeldt, Extension Dairy and Livestock Educator in Eau Claire County, discuss a farmer and his wife who are looking for advice on next steps for their dairy farm and timing the sale of their cows.
Un sistema contable es un conjunto de acciones y métodos diseñados para recolectar, almacenar y procesar transacciones financieras en informes administrativos para la toma de decisiones.
El estado de capital del propietario concilia el cambio en capital del balance general inicial al balance general final para el negocio de la granja. También se conoce como declaración de capital propio y muestra la fuente del cambio.
El estado de flujo de efectivo da seguimiento a las fuentes y a los usos del efectivo en el negocio de la granja durante el año anterior. También agrega perspectiva a la comprensión de la posición financiera y al desempeño del negocio de la granja.
La agricultura es un negocio complejo que exige registros precisos y una administración financiera cuidadosa.