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Wisconsin Agricultural Land Prices 2023
This report provides a statewide overview of agricultural land values across Wisconsin based on a statistical analysis of actual sales and now includes the weighted average price of agricultural land sold in Wisconsin.
Make Your Strategic Goals A Reality
The season of New Year’s resolutions is upon us. This time of year, we start reflecting on what we have accomplished and what we would like to achieve in the year ahead. Before jumping right into those new resolutions, take some time to remind yourself of your big-picture or long-term vision for yourself and your farm business, set strategic goals to align with your vision, develop an attainable plan of action, and identify who is responsible for each part of the plan.
The Dairy Situation and Outlook for 2024
This presentation given for Hoard’s Dairyman provides an overview of dairy markets, examining recent trends and future directions dairy demand and pricing could go.
Review recordkeeping methods and retention standards in the new year
This article was originally published in Progressive Dairy. For many farmers, farming is widely viewed as a “way of life” rather than as a business. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers an activity a trade or business if it is conducted with a profit motive. Profit is defined as income or receipts greater than expenses, […]
Is it time to rethink employee onboarding and training?
In this recorded Badger Dairy Insight webinar, UW-Madison Division of Extension Farm Management Outreach Specialist Jim Versweyveld discusses onboarding and training for dairy employees and discusses how interactive learning experiences can help build confidence by allowing dairy workers to actively participate in their own training.
House Passes Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act
The House of Representatives cast votes on the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act (House Resolution 1147) . Whereas, the bill revised requirements for milk distribution under the National School Lunch Program, managed by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Seasonal Spending and Its Impact on the U.S. Dairy Sector 2023 Outlook
There is typically a 3-5% increase in milk and butter sales in the United States during the fall months, compared to the summer period. This rise is largely attributed to the holiday season, with November and December witnessing a significant surge in dairy product purchases.
Planning to Plan: How to start holding consistent, productive farm meetings with a purpose
Taking time to plan with trusted advisors—whether you’re farming on your own or with farming partners—is a key to success. However, building that meeting habit takes time and some effort.
Why Defining Strategic Issues Is Your Farm’s Competitive Edge
In the ever-changing landscape of agriculture, staying competitive requires more than just identifying challenges; it includes identifying opportunities as well. Both demand a deeper dive. Explore the power of defining strategic issues on your family farm. Taking this step can help you find creative solutions that lie beneath the surface, that can move your farm […]
Writing a Farm Business Destination Statement
If you are considering a change to your farm business, it can feel like you are starting a new journey. You have cows to milk, fields to prepare, seeds to plant, and a future to plan. But, just like a road trip needs a map, your farm needs a plan, too. That’s where a destination […]
Holidays and Farming: Navigating family gatherings and farm life
Do you look forward to and dread the holiday season at the same time? The holiday season can be even trickier when you are a part of a family farm. Farmers are often juggling the end of crop harvest, year-end financial decisions and changing weather as we step into the full swing of the holiday season. A family farm blends home and workplace, creating a mix of family ties and work duties.
Substance Use in the Farming Community
Every day, Wisconsin farmers and farm families face financial challenges, physical demands of the job, and challenges outside of their control that impact their lives. These challenges can lead to chronic stress that can affect a farmer’s mental and physical well-being, their relationships, and decision-making and create unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcohol and substance use.
Summary of Proposals in Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) Hearings
Understanding the proposals is critical for informed participation in the hearing process, effective advocacy, and the strategic planning of various stakeholders in the U.S. dairy industry. Testimony is in progress by subject area, in the following order proposal wise classified on the basis of
A History of Dairy in the Farm Bill and What it Means for the Current Legislation
The farm bill is an omnibus, multiyear law that governs an array of agricultural and food programs. It provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively and periodically address agricultural and food issues. In addition to developing and enacting farm legislation, Congress is involved in overseeing its implementation.
The US Dairy Industry Market Update from September
Dairy markets are facing downward price pressures from increased milk production, slower demand, and competition in export markets.
▶ Listen: Field Notes Ep. 11: Farming + Solar = Agrivoltaics
There is a lot of solar being sited in Wisconsin with some projects reaching a pretty massive scale. The traditional narrative has been hello solar, goodbye agriculture, however a new crop of farmers, researchers, and solar companies are thinking differently: how can we continue to farm this land between, under, and around solar panels?