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Ag Land Lease and Rental Agreements

Ag Land Lease and Rental Agreements
Home » Ag Land Pricing & Contracts » Land Lease and Rental Agreements
Farmers in Wisconsin rent over 34 percent of their farmland from other landowners, accounting for over 4.7 million acres in agricultural production in Wisconsin. Relationships between landlords and tenant farmers may range from new to tenured, strong to tenuous, or anywhere in between.
With nearly 87,000 farmland landlords in Wisconsin, how can farmers and landlords ensure that their unique relationship is a good fit for both parties?
Farm Leases by Topic
Read-worthy Articles
Terminating a farmland lease or tenancy
It is important to consider how and when a farmland lease may end. State law provides default rules for termination in the event that a landlord and tenant fail to discuss and document this topic.
Negotiating the Farmland Lease
Like any contract, a lease is a package deal. Landlords and tenants should carefully consider all of the terms offered by the other party before making a decision.
Is my Wisconsin farm lease enforceable?
Under Wisconsin law, a “lease” means an agreement, whether oral or written, for transfer of possession of real property, or both real and personal property, for a definite period of time. These leases are also a type of contract, so principles of contract law apply too.
▶ Watch: Negotiating Agriculture Leases
What makes for a fair, robust and resilient ag or farm lease agreement? This video is part of a series that will include an example dialog between land/farm owner and renter as they negotiate the specific details of a lease agreement, highlighting important resources, tools and considerations to inform a resilient and robust agreement that serves both parties as well as discussing specific leasing topics
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Buy-Protect-Sell (BPS) is a land transition model that can help farmers without heirs transfer property to a new generation of producers. In this model, a farmer sells their land to a land trust, who then protects the property with an agricultural conservation easement. In this article, you will learn what Buy-Protect-Sell is through the story of a retiring landowner and a land-seeking family, how it may benefit your farmland legacy, and if your farm could be the right fit.