Rental rates and lease agreement questions often arise in the fall. Landowners or renters are looking for a lease agreement template that they can plug their values into. Learn what’s important to include in lease agreements and how to create a robust, authentic lease agreement.
We use agricultural chemicals for many different purposes around the farm and in the field. Every chemical has the potential to be harmful to humans, but each varies significantly in the risk they present to us. Learn more about the risks and potential effects of chemical exposure.
Part 2: Dermal Exposure to Chemicals
Exposure to your skin, or dermal exposure, is the most common way for chemicals to enter your body. Oral exposure most commonly occurs when you eat without first washing your hands or share beverage containers. Different chemicals will have different effects.
Part 3: Inhalation Exposure to Chemicals
Inhalation exposure (breathing in) is the most dangerous type of chemical exposure because vapors, gases, smoke, or dusts are absorbed rapidly into your bloodstream or cause injury to the the tissues of your lungs, and/or loss of consciousness.
In humans, ivermectin tablets are FDA-approved for treatment of some parasitic worms. Some topical formulations are FDA-approved for the treatment of external parasites; for example, headlice and skin conditions such as rosacea.
English | Spanish Cultura La cultura, ya sea de un individuo o de una organización, es un concepto importante, pero a menudo difícil de entender. Es intangible, lo que hace difícil encontrar ejemplos en la vida real. La mayoría de las personas se centran en lo que es visible: una persona diferente en relación con […]
Culture—whether of an individual or an organization—is an important but often challenging concept to grasp. Farm business culture relates to the values, goals, beliefs, and way things are done on the farm – communication, how work is accomplished, how achievements are celebrated.
Business succession planning just doesn’t happen. Producers must intentionally focus on the planning and work with a team of professionals. Here are ten steps and questions that farmers can do as they prepare for succession planning.
Many employers think people are motivated to work for reasons of pay. Research on self-determination theory and work motivation tells us that humans are motivated not simply by material possession, but also by enjoyment and meaning that our actions bring us.
While a majority of farm products are marketed through a system involving several middlemen, direct marketing maintains the farmer’s connection to the customer, allowing them to develop a unique relationship, tailor their product offerings, and keep money closer to the farm and local community.
A lender’s primary interest is in whether you’re likely to fulfill the requirements of a credit agreement. When a creditor lends you money, he or she does it with the expectation of earning a profit, which is unlikely to happen if there’s a good possibility that you’ll default on the loan. The lender will be […]
A statement often made with professional athletes is that they stayed in the game beyond the years of their peak performance. Of course, the couple million they made for their time, helped ease the transition! However, we may ask the same question of a farm business, when is it time to gracefully exit, when are we trying to stay in the business too long beyond peak performance?
The thought of leaving a business or career that one has always known can be uneasy and downright scary, but along with those thoughts, there are many positives that can come along with making a change. As business owners, farmers develop all types of skills. By evaluating their best skills and matching them with their own personal core values can be a usual exercise to plot a course for the future.
I am on the fence, it is a barbed-wire fence, and I want to get off! As I write this article, there is a breath of optimism in the dairy industry. Markets have improved, government program payments are getting to mailboxes and the economy is slowly opening back up. That is good news that I […]
Stress is common in farming. The long hours can sometimes lead to fatigue, especially if there is not enough help. A feeling of a lack of control during changing times and conditions can compound the feeling of uncertainty. Other things that can cause stress are issues related to your kids, relationships, markets, the weather, and […]
Each summer, dairy farm producers and their employees work through days of extreme heat and humidity – often starting in May or June and continuing into September. While we certainly need to protect our dairy cattle during these hot days, it is also an important time to be conscious of how to protect ourselves and our dairy farm workers during summer heat.
Extension offers resources, information and networking opportunities for farmers interested in exploring and assessing new business ideas or revenue streams to their operations. Resources help farmers assess feasibility and critical success factors of new or additional enterprises including value-added production, and marketing and business strategies.
A variety of programs exist in the upper Midwest region that can provide new farmers in Wisconsin with training and education around production, business planning, farm financials, and more. Programs range from on-farm apprenticeships, mentorships, short-term workshops, longer-term curriculum-based programs, and academic institution degrees. Programs often serve beginning farmers with a range of prior knowledge […]
“Beginning farmer” is a broad term that often refers to an individual who has been operating a farm for less than 10 years or someone who has not yet begun to operate a farm but is actively working toward doing so. Today’s beginning farmers tend to be more diverse than previous generations – in demographics, education and experience. In response, the way in which individuals enter farming has become more diverse as well. Programs and trainings that served previous generations of farmers are being expanded and re-defined to meet the needs of new farmers today.
There are so many things that happen on farms that result in billions of dollars in losses that can be prevented. Or, perhaps dealt with in a more timely way by thoughtful planning and preparedness.