AgriVision Episode 22 – Buying a chopper
Host Katie Wantoch and Ben Jenkins, Agriculture Extension educator in Green Lake County, discuss a farmer and his son who are considering buying a new chopper and how to cash flow this purchase.
Host Katie Wantoch and Ben Jenkins, Agriculture Extension educator in Green Lake County, discuss a farmer and his son who are considering buying a new chopper and how to cash flow this purchase.
Host Katie Wantoch and Simon Jette-Nantel, former Assistant Professor at UW-River Falls and Extension Farm Management Specialist, discuss whether a land purchase is a profitable acquisition compared to other retirement investments for a farm couple.
Tools are available to help corn growers and dairy and livestock producers negotiate a fair price for corn silage.
Host Katie Wantoch and Kaitlyn Davis, Extension Agriculture Educator in LaCrosse County, discuss if a farmer and his son should prioritize paying down debt this year instead of replacing some equipment.
Each summer, dairy farm producers and their employees work through days of extreme heat and humidity – often starting in May or June and continuing into September. While we certainly need to protect our dairy cattle during these hot days, it is also an important time to be conscious of how to protect ourselves and our dairy farm workers during summer heat.
Host Katie Wantoch and Richard Halopka, Extension crops and soils educator in Clark County, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a farmer purchasing locally grown hay or hay from western states.
A discussion with each employee while reviewing their total compensation statement can increase engagement and retention, as well as improve the quality of your new hires.
Host Katie Wantoch and Jim Versweyveld, Agriculture Extension educator in Walworth County, discuss a female farmer who needs to have a conversation with her dad about her future and their family farm.
A grain marketing plan works with a farm’s production plan to identify a farmer’s specific price objectives as the production and/or storage season progresses. The marketing plan also identifies strategies available to achieve these specific price objectives.
Host Katie Wantoch and Richard Halopka, Extension crops and soils educator in Clark County, discuss buying forages and calculating feed inventory for future needs.
Now more than ever, it is important to focus on eating together as a family. Research has shown us how important family meals are and there are significant studies that reinforce the benefits of mealtimes together. Discover ideas for starting dinner conversations that nourish the spirit, brain, and health of everyone at the table.
“Traditions are the cement that keeps families together and helps you withstand the storms that come”. Traditions can build a strong base of resiliency as we emerge from Covid-19. Explore which traditions are worth keeping and which ones you might start in the future.
Host Katie Wantoch and Lyssa Seefeldt, Extension Dairy and Livestock Educator in Eau Claire County, discuss a farmer and his wife who are looking for advice on next steps for their dairy farm and timing the sale of their cows.
Weber Farms, a 6th generation Wisconsin Century Farm is located in Marshfield, WI and since 1904 it has been delivering the finest, freshest dairy products from their Holstein cows for six decades.
The landlord and tenant need to discuss improvements and repairs of the property before the lease begins. There is no right answer as to who should pay for what. A written lease detailing the responsibility of each party and agreeing to these items ahead of time will make the landlord-tenant relationship less troublesome.
Leases play an important role for over 22,600 farms in the state. Yet many farm landlords and tenants are unfamiliar with the components of a lease and the landlord/tenant relationship.
This report provides a statewide overview of agricultural land values across Wisconsin based on a statistical analysis of actual sales and now includes the weighted average price of agricultural land sold in Wisconsin.
Host Katie Wantoch and Simon Jette-Nantel, former Professor at UW-River Falls and Extension Farm Management Specialist, discuss when is the right time for a farmer and his son to purchase the neighbor’s land and how the purchase will affect the farm’s cash flow.