UW-Madison Division of Extension is offering two meetings for professionals working with farmers on succession planning. The Wisconsin Farm Succession Professionals Network (WiFSPN) meetings will be on Wed., November 2 in La Crosse and Thurs., November 3 in Appleton from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. The meetings will highlight a farm that has recently developed its succession plan, details on the new set of Wisconsin LLC laws, a current research project to learn best practices when working with service professionals, and small group discussions on relevant farm succession topics. Accountants, lenders, attorneys, financial planners, mediators, tax specialists, state and federal agency staff, and educators are all encouraged to attend.
On the agenda:
- Farm Succession Planning from a Farm’s Perspective – Kelly Wilfert, an attorney with Ruder Ware, L.L.S.C., will outline a farm’s succession plan and include interviews with farm business partners to learn their perspectives on the planning process.
- Professional Networking Activity – This session will be led by Division of Extension educators and will focus on several common farm succession topics so professionals can learn new ideas and strategies to use as they work with farm businesses.
- Best Practices for Working with Service Professionals – Kaitlyn Davis and Joy Kirkpatrick, Division of Extension educators will provide an overview of a research project they are conducting to learn more about how farm businesses can best work with service professionals for productive outcomes.
- Top Ten Things to Know about Wisconsin’ New LLC Act – Sarah Kons, partner at Hooper Law Office, and Justin Randall, associate attorney with Hooper Law Office, will share details on Wisconsin’s New LLC Act that will take effect January 1, 2023.

The meetings will be from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. on the following dates and locations:
- La Crosse, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Myrick Park Center, 789 Myrick Park Drive, La Crosse, WI.
- Appleton, Thursday, November 3, 2022, The Grand Meridian, 2621 N. Oneida St., Appleton, WI.
Registration for these meetings is $50 per person. Registration can be completed online at https://bit.ly/WIFSPN2022. Online registration requires a credit card. If you would like to register by surface mail, you can send your registration fee (check payable to Conference Management – Farm Development) along with your name, organization, address, phone number, email, and the location you wish to attend to: Memorial Union, Conference Management, 800 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706. Registration deadline for both locations is Wed., October 26.