To help Wisconsin farm families start their succession planning process, Wisconsin Extension has developed an interactive workshop series as a part of the program Cultivating Your Farm’s Future. This workshop series will provide tools and resources for producers who want to begin the succession planning process.
You will be prepared to communicate, write, plan, vision, and shape the legacy of the farm business as well as save time by having these crucial conversations before visiting with professionals.
Delivery of the program
This workshop series will be delivered virtually, with a mix of both self-paced assignments and live, virtual group meetings via zoom.
Who should attend?
This is for farm businesses and farm families interested in shaping the future ownership of the farm. If you are the owner generation you may be wondering how to transfer a viable business to the next generation or determining how to divide farm assets. If you are the next generation you may have questions or ideas about your future role in the farm business. Multi-generations of the farm or family are encouraged to attend together.
Topics Covered
- Starting Your Succession Plan
- Determining What YOU Want
- Developing the Next Generation and Your Legacy
- Holding Family Meetings and Conversations
- Choosing and Working with Professionals
- Thinking of what is fair versus what is equal
Register for live, virtual group Zoom sessions
Thursdays, February 16, 23, and March 2, 2023, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Registration deadline: February 7, 2023
Registration Fee: $100/per farm which provides one workbook, folder of materials, course videos and three live zoom sessions; $15/additional workbook.
Register online at
Even if you have attended other transition, estate, or succession planning classes, consider attending this program to get a START on YOUR succession plan.
For more information contact Kaitlyn Davis, La Crosse County Extension Agriculture Educator, or Joy Kirkaptrick, UW-Madison Division of Extension Farm Succession Outreach Specialist,