Home » Certified Farm Succession Coordinator Training
Certified Farm Succession Coordinator Training
The UW-Madison Division of Extension in collaboration with the International Farm Transition Network (IFTN), offers the Certified Farm Succession Coordinator Training.
The economic future of our nation’s agriculture depends on the next generation’s ability to access land and business assets. Many farm and ranch operators are realizing the importance of creating a succession plan. Agriculture service professionals who work with these farms and ranches are recognizing that it takes more than a business structure or an estate plan to get those assets transferred to the next generation of managers. Succession planning also includes management transfer, inheritance issues and (surprise!) humans with emotions.
This training will offer:
- Insight on the tensions around farm succession
- Strategies on working with families as they navigate farm succession,
- Facilitation tools to guide the process,
- Opportunities to consider real-life examples of farm succession case studies.
Instructors for this training are Kiley Fleming Ed. D., the Executive Director of the Iowa Mediation Service, and Joy Kirkpatrick, Farm Succession Outreach Specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. Fleming and Kirkpatrick have been instructors for this training since its inception in 2012. They offer over 45 years of combined succession planning experience to the training.
Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to learn how to facilitate conversations around farm/ranch succession planning.
What does certification mean?
Participants who pass the exam can be listed on the IFTN website as a coordinator. Coordinators can use the designation in their bios, email signatures, etc. Certification does not mean you are now trained to teach others to be farm succession coordinators.
After I’m certified, I’m certified forever, right?
Well, actually, no. Certified coordinators are required to collect 30 continuing education credits or points every three years to keep their certification. While 30 points sound like a lot, it is over a 3-year period and IFTN has developed several professional development opportunities and activities for coordinators to build their points.
- Attend the IFTN annual professional development conference, which provides 10 points. You can get 20 of your points this way over the 3-year period. The conference alternates between in-person and virtual. The 2024 conference is scheduled to be in-person.
- Participate in IFTN-sponsored webinars and receive 1-3 points per webinar (dependent on length). You can get 10 points through IFTN webinars over the 3-year period. Six IFTN webinars are offered each year. Even if you’re not a coordinator you can participate in these webinars. For more information on upcoming webinars go to the IFTN website.
- Document your coordinator’s work with a farm business. Provide an overview of how you worked with the business in your coordinator role, without providing any identifying information. You can receive two points per farm business, with a maximum of 10 points over the 3-year period.
- Non-IFTN-sponsored training may also be considered. The training must be in “the spirit” of the coordinator role. These require IFTN approval. The training information should be provided after attendance and the board will review submissions of this type two times a year. You can receive 1-3 credits each (dependent on length and topics that fit the coordinator role). You can receive a maximum 10 points over the 3-year period via non-IFTN sponsored training.
You do not have to be an IFTN member to retain certification; however, you do receive discounts on webinar registration fees and membership allows you to participate in membership meetings and run for the board.
Upcoming Trainings:
Live virtual training session: June 2025
WHEN: (all times are Central Time)
- Monday, June 2, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Friday, June 6, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Tuesday, June 10, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Thursday, June 12, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
This virtual version of this training is limited to 20 participants to ensure a positive learning experience. Participants must attend all four virtual days. There will be homework assignments between the live Zoom training days.
Registration link: https://uwmadison.eventsair.com/june25training/reg
COST: Registration fees are $950/person before April 18, 2025, and $1,000 after April 18. The registration site will close on Friday, May 16, 2025. Registrations must be paid in full by May 16. Registration includes materials, live virtual instruction, and a 2025-26 International Farm Transition Network membership. Materials will be shipped to participants prior to the first live Zoom session. Organizations that register three or more people can receive a group discount of $50/per person. The group must be registered at the same time and paid for as a group.
CANCELLATIONS: A full refund will be issued if you cancel on or before Friday, April 18, 2025. A refund, minus a $150 cancellation fee, will be issued if you cancel after April 18, but before May 16, 2025. No refunds will be given after Friday, May 16, 2025. Substitutions are welcome at any time. If the training is cancelled for any reason, your registration fee will be refunded. The meeting organizer is not responsible for the refund of any other costs.
Live Virtual training session: September 2025
WHEN: (all times are Central Time)
- Tuesday, September 16, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Thursday, September 18, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 23, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Thursday, September 25, 2025, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
This virtual version of this training is limited to 20 participants to ensure a positive learning experience. Participants must attend all four virtual days. There will be homework assignments between the live Zoom training days.
Registration link: https://uwmadison.eventsair.com/sept25training/reg
COST: Registration fees are $950/person before August 1, 2025, and $1,000 after August 1. The registration site will close on Friday, August 29, 2025. Registrations must be paid in full by August 29, 2025. Registration includes materials, live virtual instruction, and a 2025-26 International Farm Transition Network membership. Materials will be shipped to participants prior to the first live Zoom session. Organizations that register three or more people can receive a group discount of $50/per person. The group must be registered at the same time and paid for as a group.
CANCELLATIONS: A full refund will be issued if you cancel on or before Friday, August 1, 2025. A refund, minus a $150 cancellation fee, will be issued if you cancel after August 1 but before August 29, 2025. No refunds will be given after Friday, August 29, 2025. Substitutions are welcome at any time. If the training is cancelled for any reason, your registration fee will be refunded. The meeting organizer is not responsible for the refund of any other costs.
Questions? Contact: Joy Kirkpatrick, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Farm Succession Outreach Specialist joy.kirkpatrick@wisc.edu, 608.263.3485.