This recordkeeping toolkit, produced by the Farmers’ Legal Action Group, includes easy-to-follow instructions and templates to help small-scale fruit and vegetable growers keep accurate farm records.
EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) yog kev pabcuam rau kev cog qoobloo-yug tsiajtxhu thiab tej kev uas pab kom tej yxoob-ntoo dejnag huabcua thiab tsiajtxhu huvsi zoo raws li lub homphiaj npajtseg.
USDA-NRCS yog tsoom feev Miscas ib lub koos haum pab tswv yim thiab nyiajtxiag rau pejxeem ua liaj ua teb kom zoo. Kuv yuav coj peb mus ntshiav thiab kawm txog cov program ua tsim los pab cov neeg ua teb.
Khoos Kas Pov Hwm Tiv Thaiv (Conservation Stewardship Program, CSP) muab kev pab tev niv thiab kev pab nyiaj txiag los mus pab rau cov neeg ua qoob loo thiab pov hwm hav zoov kom mob siab siv zog siv lawv txoj kev pov hwm mus rau theem tom ntej ntxiv. Tiv toj rau NRCS ib lub chaw lis hauj lwm hauv ib cheeb tsam thiab qhia rau lawv paub tias koj xav thov CSP. Ib tus kws npaj kev npaj pov hwm yuav ua hauj lwm nrog koj los mus txiav txim siab seb koj puas tsim nyog raug pab rau theem kev tiv thaiv no.
Khoos Kas Pov Hwm Tiv Thaiv (Conservation Stewardship Program, CSP) muab kev pab tev niv thiab kev pab nyiaj txiag los mus pab rau cov neeg ua qoob loo thiab pov hwm hav zoov kom mob siab siv zog siv lawv txoj kev pov hwm mus rau theem tom ntej ntxiv. Daim video no yog yuav muab hais ua lus HMoob los qhia txog kev pab cuam rau cov HMoob ua teb ua tsis paub lus Askiv txaus.
Nyob rau daim video no, Nkaujhnub Thoj, uas yog ib tug Extension Specialist uas nws ua haujlwm pab rau cov neeg ua teb piav txog cov txiaj ntsim ntawm kev muab av mus sim/kuaj thiab piav txog kev yuav muab cov av li cas thiab yuav xa li cas mus sim/kuaj. Daim video no yog yuav muab hais ua lus HMoob los qhia txog kev pab cuam rau cov HMoob ua teb ua tsis paub lus Askiv txaus.
In spring of 2023 Extension increased outreach efforts to Wisconsin’s Hmong farmers. Since then, Gaonou Thao, Hmong/HMoob Farm Outreach Specialist has developed culturally and linguistically relevant educational materials for this population.
The HMoob community plays a significant role in Wisconsin, with a growing presence and impact on the state’s demographics, economy, and cultural landscape. This report provides a detailed overview of the HMoob population in Wisconsin.
In this instructional video, Gaonou Thao, an Extension Specialist specializing in HMoob/Hmong Farmer Outreach, delivers comprehensive guidance on completing a land lease application in HMoob. This video is specifically tailored to cater to the needs of farmers who may not be proficient in English.
In a world where language and identity intertwine, the choice of terminology holds significant weight. The HMoob people, a community with a rich cultural heritage and linguistic diversity, are at the heart of an evolving conversation around self-identification. While the terms “Hmong” and “Hmoob” are familiar, a newer label, “HMoob,” has surfaced, sparking discussions about […]
Daim qauv ntawm daim ntawv nyiaj txiag ntawm daim teb farm financial model muaj ib qho txheej txheem hu ua linear thiab circular process kom paub qhia txog kev txiav txim siab. Cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm no qhia mus rau daim ntawv qhia tawm (reports), thiab daim ntawv qhia tawm (reports) no pab cov tswv teb kom paub siv nyiaj thiab paub txiav txim siab txog kev ua lag luam hauv daim teb.
Daim Ntawv ntawm Statement of Owner Equity, kho kom haum qhov kev hloov ntawm cov nyiaj equity thaum pib ntawm daim ntawv balance sheet rau qhov xaus ntawm daim ntawv balance sheet from daim teb lub lag luam.
Daim ntawv ntawm Cov Nyiaj Ntsuab siv mus los statement of cash flows ceev qhia cov khoom siv thiab nyiaj ntsuab es siv rau hauv lub lam luam ntawm daim teb lub xyoo tas los no. Nws kuj qhia tau kom paub thiab nkag siab txog tias lub lag luam kev khwv tau nyiaj yog zoo li cas tam sim no thiab lag luam khiav zoo li cas ntawm daim teb qhov lag luam.
Ua teb mas yog ib qho lag luam cov nyom heev es thiaj yuav tsum tau ceev cov ntaub ntawv kom raug thiab ua twb zoo tswj cov nyiaj txiag.
Daim ntawv income statement yog ib daim ntawv qhia txog lub laj luam ntawm daim teb txog cov nyiaj txiag ntawm ib lub sij hawm twg. Nws luj xyuas qhov kas nplais thiab poob peev ntawm ib lub sij hawm twg.
Daim ntawv Balance Sheet yog ib daim ntawv qhia txog lub lag luam ntawm daim teb txog cov nyiaj txiag ntawm ib lub sij hawm twg. Nws teeb cov khoom ntiag tug (assets) kev lav phib xaub (liabilities), thiab lub lag luam raug nqi npaum cas (tus tswv cov nyiaj equity) thiab qhia txog lub lag luam ntawm daim teb kom pom ib muag ntawm ib ib hnub vas thib twg.
An accounting system yog ib co kev raus tes ua thiab cov txheej txheem es tau tsim kom nrhiav tau, ceev cia, thiab muab cov ntaub ntawv txog kev them nyiaj los tso rau hauv daim ntawv management report thaum muaj kev txiav txim siab.